"Caring Helpful And Motivated for Progress in Our NeighborhoodS for youth"
The Brooklyn Park Champions For Youth Coalition is an unprecedented effort to bring together adults and youth to better provide for young people in the city. Building upon existing assets in our community and striving to add additional assets to the lives of youth, the coalition is a coordinated effort to unite all youth champions in Brooklyn Park.
Belief Statement
We affirm the inherent value of all youth within our community and seek to provide pro-active opportunities for them to energize themselves in their quest for social equality, positive development and recognition of their responsibilities.
The Coalition will work to mobilize Brooklyn Park’s community organizations whose missions are to provide youth programs and services in Brooklyn Park. This effort will be to more efficiently plan and implement a variety of quality programs, communicate more effectively with youth, engage youth in the planning process, and improve access to services for all youth.
The Brooklyn Park Champions For Youth Coalition will enlist the business, faith, social service, government, and education sectors of the community to rally around helping promote the healthy development of all youth in Brooklyn Park.
E- Newsletter Champions for Youth regularly publishes an e-newsletter to update its partners and the community on the work being done for youth in Brooklyn Park. Click here to request to be added to our mailing list and receive the letter automatically by email. If you have Brooklyn Park youth-related information you wish to share in the e-letter, please click here.
This neighborhood has 18516 visitors (47085 hits) Founded August 1, 2007