Welcome to the Chain-Breaker's Library. Please browse our ever-growing collection of articles and tip sheets that endeavor to make us all smarter, more conscientious users of the most powerful communication tool ever created. Learn basic etiquette and why chain-letters shouldn't be relied on beyond simple correspondence. You'll also find tips and fun things you can share with friends and family. Enjoy!
Armchair Activism: E-Petitions and Boycotts
What's wrong with e-mail petitions and boycotts? We tell you and give you some helpful guidelines for evaluating this type of chain-letter and deciding for yourself if it's worth forwarding.
Chain-Letter Psychology 101 - The Mind of a Chronic Forwarder
If this stuff is such obvious hogwash, why do people still forward them? Then, why do they get mad at you when you debunk it?
C'Mon, What Can It Hurt?
Does forwarding e-mail chain letters really hurt anybody? Yes, it can, and very often does. We give a few examples.
Etiquette for Forwarding E-mail
Want to make sure everyone you send messages to enjoys getting them from you? Follow these tips and share them with anyone with whom you correspond.
False Attribution Syndrome
I'll forward this just in case. After all, it's got somebody's name on it. What can it hurt? But does that person actually have anything to do with it or has he or she become an unwitting expert. Find out more about one of the biggest risks of forwarding chain letters.
Frequently Asked Questions
Want to know how e-mail works, how this site is run, why chain letters get started, how to reduce or avoid spam and more? Our interactive FAQ file lets you in on the most common questions folks ask and even lets you ask your own.
Hoax-O-Matic Sick Child Chain Generator
How easy is it to create a convincing and heart-wrenching chain letter out of thin air? We make it easy! Just provide a few pieces of information and we'll do the work for you.
Hoax-O-Matic Virus Warning Generator
Think it would be easy to create a virus warning hoax? With the pitifully minute amount of creativity that goes into most of them, you'd be right. We'll help you create the best virus warning ever! Just fill in the blanks.
Limitations of E-mail
E-mail is not an information tool and should never be used as one. Yet, every day, thousands put as much faith in anonymously authored and randomly forwarded chain letters as they do the evening news. We show you how bad this can be.
Open Letter to E-mail Users
Looking for a polite but stern way to tell a friend to stop sending chain letters? Copy and use our form letter as is, or modify it to fit your specific needs.
Protecting Your PC
Is your PC protected against viruses, hackers, spyware and other attacks on your data? Find out why certain software is essential. Take a few steps to protect yourself and you'll never have to rely on virus warning chain letters again.
Top 10 Signs of an E-mail Hoax
Do you know the common elements of an e-mail hoax? We'll help you spot 'em from a mile away.
The Trouble With Missing Child Chains
Missing child chain letters create a unique dilemma: unlike most chains, they're often based on real events and allow you to reach many people quickly - unfortunately, though, e-mail is inherently flawed as an information tool and these chains can do more harm than good.